Both WordPress and Salesforce CRM play crucial roles in our experiences on the web. WordPress powers over 40% of all websites, offering a flexible and user-friendly content management system. Salesforce, on the other hand, is a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform that helps businesses manage their customer data, sales processes, and marketing campaigns.

WordPress Salesforce integration can bring numerous benefits, including improved lead generation, efficient data management, and streamlined workflows. This blog post is targeted at businesses that use both platforms and are looking to simplify and enhance their Salesforce and operations by finding ways to integrate Salesforce with your WordPress website seamlessly.

Understanding Integration Options

Native Salesforce Web-to-Lead

The Native Salesforce Web-to-Lead feature allows you to quickly create forms on your website or app that capture and send data such as information about your leads directly into Salesforce CRM.

How it Works: By generating HTML forms created through Salesforce, you can embed them on a WordPress page or post. When visitors fill out these embed forms, their information automatically creates new leads in sync with Salesforce CRM. This method provides a straightforward way to integrate Salesforce CRM with your existing systems.

Advantages: The setup is straightforward, and this option is available on most Salesforce plans. Be sure to ensure your Salesforce Users have the proper permissions set up to access this area of your Salesforce CRM account.

Limitations: There are limited field options and basic form designs, which might not suit all the users’ businesses’ needs. If you are using a Salesforce custom object, this approach may have its limitations, and further custom development would be needed.

WordPress Plugin

Our preferred method for Salesforce WordPress integration is to use a popular form plugin on your WordPress website, like Gravity Forms or WP Forms, in tandem with Zapier. Zapier is an automation tool that connects different apps and services, enabling them to work together without the need for custom coding. This combination of tools provides a robust and flexible solution for integrating WordPress with Salesforce, allowing you to automatically create leads.

Benefits of Using Gravity Forms or WP Forms on your WordPress site with Zapier:

  1. Control Over Form Styles: These options offer extensive customization options, allowing you to design and style forms to match your website’s look and feel.
  2. Precise Field Mapping: With Zapier, you can map specific form fields to corresponding Salesforce object fields, ensuring accurate and organized data transfer.
  3. Ease of Use: Both plugins have user-friendly interfaces, making it simple to create and manage forms. Zapier’s intuitive platform further simplifies the Salesforce integration process.
  4. Flexibility: Zapier supports a wide range of apps and services, providing extensive integration possibilities beyond just Salesforce. This allows for the creation of complex workflows and automations.


  1. Cost: While Zapier offers a free tier, advanced features and higher usage levels may require a paid plan. Additionally, premium versions of form plugins may also come with costs.
  2. Maintenance: Regular updates and maintenance are necessary to ensure compatibility and security, which might require additional time and resources.

Using a WordPress form plugin with Zapier offers a powerful and customizable solution for WordPress Salesforce integration, providing the control and flexibility needed to meet your specific business requirements.

Custom Development

For businesses with complex integration needs or unique data mapping requirements, custom integration may be necessary. At Motion Tactic, we have extensive experience with WordPress Salesforce integration using both native features and plugins.

Additionally, we’ve developed custom plugins to connect WordPress to Salesforce, providing a more customized experience that goes beyond simple lead generation email marketing alone. Custom plugin development provides a highly tailored solution that meets specific business requirements, offering flexibility and functionality that pre-built options may not.

Benefits of Custom Development:

  1. Direct Salesforce Integration: Custom development allows for direct integration with the Salesforce API, enabling advanced features and real-time data synchronization with Salesforce objects.
  2. Tailored Data Mapping: You can create highly specific data mapping configurations, including mapping to standard Salesforce objects as well as custom ones, to ensure that your unique data requirements are met precisely.
  3. Enhanced Security: Custom solutions can include advanced security measures tailored to your business’s specific needs, ensuring that Salesforce data is handled securely.
  4. Optimized Performance: Custom integrations can be optimized for performance, ensuring that the Salesforce integration runs efficiently even with large volumes of data.
  5. Extended Functionality: Beyond lead generation, custom plugins can be developed to handle complex workflows, automated processes, and additional business-specific functionalities.


  • Higher Cost: Custom development typically involves a higher upfront cost compared to using pre-built plugins or native features.
  • Longer Timeline: Developing a custom solution can take more time, from initial planning and development to testing and deployment.

Custom development offers a powerful and flexible solution for businesses with unique integration needs, ensuring that all specific requirements are met with precision and efficiency.

Choosing the Right Integration Approach

Selecting the best method for integrating your WordPress site with Salesforce depends on various factors unique to your business needs. Here are some key considerations to help you make an informed decision:


Cost of Third-Party Services: Third-party services, such as a WordPress plugin, often come with various pricing tiers based on the features offered. Basic plans may be affordable, but advanced features or add-ons typically require higher-tier subscriptions.

Cost of Custom Development: Custom development is typically more expensive due to the need for specialized expertise and longer development times. However, it provides a highly tailored solution that can offer significant long-term value.

Technical Expertise

In-House Capabilities: Assess the technical skills of your team. Plugins are generally easier to implement and maintain, often requiring minimal coding knowledge. However, custom plugin and app development requires advanced technical skills and a deeper understanding of both the Salesforce API and your WordPress site.

Ongoing Maintenance: Consider the ongoing maintenance required for each option. WordPress plugins usually come with regular updates and support from their developers, whereas custom solutions will need dedicated resources for maintenance and troubleshooting.

Customization Needs for Your WordPress Site

Form Customization: Determine how much control you need over the design and functionality of your forms. WordPress form plugins offer extensive customization options, but there may be limitations compared to a fully custom-built solution.

Data Mapping: Evaluate the complexity of your data mapping requirements. If you need to map data to Salesforce custom objects or have unique data processing needs, custom development might be the better choice.

Integration Complexity with Salesforce API

Workflow Automation: If you need complex workflows or conditional logic that goes beyond simple form submissions, custom development can provide a more robust and flexible solution. WordPress plugins paired with Zapier can handle many automation tasks, but there may be limitations.

Integration Points: Consider how many different systems and integration points you need to connect and manage. Custom development allows for bi-directional integration with Salesforce and WordPress. Additionally, custom development can enable precise mapping to any Salesforce object, ensuring that your data flows seamlessly between systems.

User Experience for WordPress Users

Ease of Use: Plugins are generally designed with user-friendliness in mind, making it easy for non-technical WordPress users to create and manage forms. Custom solutions can be tailored to your specific user experience requirements but may require more training and documentation.

Support and Documentation: Evaluate the support and documentation available for each option. Plugins often come with extensive documentation and community support, whereas custom solutions will rely on the expertise of your development team.

By clearly defining your integration requirements and carefully considering these factors, you can choose the integration tool and approach that best aligns with your business goals, technical capabilities, and budget. Each method has its advantages and potential drawbacks, so it’s important to weigh these considerations to find the solution that will provide the most value for your organization.

Implementing Your Chosen Integration Method

Integrate Salesforce Web-to-Lead

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Log in to your Salesforce account.
  2. Navigate to Setup > Web-to-Lead.
  3. Create a new form by selecting the fields of the Salesforce Object you want to include.
  4. Generate the HTML code and copy it.
  5. Paste the HTML code into a new WordPress page or post.

Embedding the Form:

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Create a new post or page and switch to the HTML editor.
  3. Paste the HTML code and save your changes to embed the form on your w.
  4. Verify the Salesforce form is showing on the frontend of the website.

Implementing a WordPress Plugin

Using WPForms as an example:

Installation and Configuration:

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New and search for WPForms.
  3. Install and activate the plugin.
  4. Follow the setup wizard to configure the plugin.

Creating a Form:

  1. Go to WPForms > Add New.
  2. Choose a template or create a form from scratch.
  3. Add the fields you want to include and customize as needed.

Connecting to Salesforce with Zapier:

  1. Create a Zapier account and connect it to your Salesforce and WordPress accounts.
  2. Set up a new Zap that triggers on form submission in WPForms.
  3. Configure the action to create a new lead in Salesforce.
  4. Map the form fields to the corresponding Salesforce fields.
  5. Activate the Zap and test the Salesforce integration.

Working with a Developer

If custom development is required:

Finding a Developer:

  • Look for developers with experience in WordPress and Salesforce CRM integrations.
  • Check portfolios and reviews to find a reliable professional.

Collaborating with a Developer:

  • Clearly define your Salesforce integration requirements.
  • Maintain open communication throughout the project to ensure your needs are met.


Integrating WordPress with Salesforce CRM can significantly enhance your lead generation and data management processes. By understanding the available integration options and choosing the right approach, you can streamline your workflows and improve your business operations.

If you are ready to take the next steps and would like a partner to assist in your WordPress Salesforce integrations, contact us today. Motion Tactic is a B2B website design agency that specializes in creating custom, high-performing websites and seamless integrations to help businesses achieve their goals.